Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I've been in nesting mode for the past week.  I woke up one day and was struck, for the first time, at how white my apartment is.  Every wall is white and they are bare.  You may ask how I had never noticed this having lived here for seven months.  Who knows, but something had to be done.

I took to the internet and started researching DIY home decor for cheap.  DIY because I like doing things myself and cheap because I'm broke.  Pinterest is my new favourite site and I'm on it all the time.  It's a site where people can collect websites devoted to anything and store them in one place in a very visual way.  I'm such a visual person so this site really inspires me.  There are TONS of crafty DIY ideas on the site.  I scoured for a day or two and decided on my two projects:  fabric wall art and a twine picture display.  Here's my inspiration for the wall art: Bella Dia fabric panels.

I modified it a little.  Instead of foamcore I used small bulletin boards I found at the Dollar Store.  And instead of double sided tape I used flat headed thumbtacks.  It worked really well.  I couldn't get the sticky tack to stick to my walls so I used twine to hand them up instead.  For the fabric I visited my local fabric store and bought from the discount aisle.  I also scored some quilting squares from Walmart.  And here's the result:

I hung them over our bed and I'm really happy with them.  Hopefully I'll add more eventually.  

Next was the twine picture display.  This one I'd seen awhile back but couldn't remember where.  All it takes is pictures, twine, clothes pins and thumbtacks.  Super simple.  I hung this above our couch in the living room.  I'll add another layer or two when I get around to printing out pictures to hang on the twine.  For now I just used some postcards and prints I had.  

I'm happy with both projects but need to add more to both of them.  I've already got my eye on some other crafty projects but I need to focus on school work for the next couple weeks until this term finally ends.